Navigating the Seas of Cultural Transformation:
Unleashing the Power of Change
and Creating Ripple Effects
Cultural Transformation
Corporate Culture is an emergent, transactional, dynamic, complex, interconnected, and interdependent ecosystem that involves leaders, employees, teams, and clients or customers.
Culture is how we “do the work.”
Key elements interact and influence each other within a more extensive system.
These include beliefs, rituals, communication patterns, structures, and processes.
Let’s co-create a map to get to your desired cultural transformation state.
Why Is Cultural Transformation Important?
"The best organizations have strong cultures and shared values, understand the importance of teamwork, create trust among their members, maintain focus, and, most important, understand the importance of people and relationships to their mission success."
Simon Sinek
Cultural Transformation is important in adapting to changing environments and staying aligned.
Alignment and Communications with Clarity:
What is your organization’s purpose, values, target audience, and unique value proposition?
Mission matters! What does your organization stand for?
How are you differentiated and unique?
Leadership Alignment:
What are your cultural aspirations among the executive team? United? Divided?
What is Aligned? Misaligned?
Human Resources Alignment:
How do you attract and retain talent?
Do you offer professional development, training, and workshops?
When interviewing, do you look for types of people, their attributes, and strengths that align with the organization’s culture? Diversity?
What is your onboarding strategy?
How are your employee performance reviews tied to the organization’s culture, mission, purpose, values, and beliefs?
Interpersonal Climate Alignment:
Do people on your team feel safe taking interpersonal risks?
What permissions are in place? Experiment? Fail?
Is learning part of your work culture?
Are organizational values tied to daily work?
Customer or Client Alignment:
Who is your target audience?
What are their demographics?
What is the psychographics of clients or customers?
How do you attract and retain clients or customers?
How do you make your clients or customers your brand ambassador?
Benefits of Cultural Transformation
Diversity and Inclusion
Safety and Trust
Drives Growth
Employee Engagement
Staying Competetive
Cultural Transformation 8-Step Approach
Setting SMART Organizational Goals
Building and Aligning
Establishing and Strengthening Trust and Psychological Safety
Prioritizing Effective Communication
Building Motivation and Spotlighting Recognition
Managing Transitions and Enhancing Processes
Leveling Up Effective Leadership
Creating and Executing a Plan of Action
Inclusion Safety
the basic need to feel included, connected, and accepted for being yourself in the team
Learner Safety
providing a free and safe environment to learn, ask questions, provide feedback, and fail forward.
Contributor Safety
lets you make a difference with your skills, ideas, thoughts, and perspectives.
Challenger Safety
fulfill the need to feel safe and brave enough to challenge the status quo for equality and speak up to contribute to improvements or change.
Make waves. Sea change.
Harness new levels of collaboration, innovation and performance
Make waves. Sea change
Make inclusion and innovation the norm in the workplace
Turn conflict into collaboration
How We Rock
Unlock the potential
of your crew
Build cultures of inclusion and innovation through the power of psychological safety.
- More collaboration
- More innovation
- More performance
- More connection
- More growth
“I believe you have to rock the boat to make waves.”
Jodie O’Malley, Culture Captain
Join our psychological safety programs to promote and nurture inclusivity among teams and create a thriving environment with better employee efficiency, engagement, and success.
Join our cultural program and embark on a transformational journey towards building a thriving and inclusive organizational culture.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does cultural transformation take?
Cultural transformation can take months to years, depending on the organization's size and the desired changes.
Who is involved in cultural transformation?
Everyone in the organization plays a role in cultural transformation, from leaders to employees at all levels.
What is cultural transformation?
Cultural transformation is the intentional process of changing how things are done in an organization to create a better work environment.
How do we sustain cultural transformation?
Sustain cultural transformation by integrating the desired culture into systems and practices, reinforcing desired behaviors, and aligning performance management.
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